How Will San Antonio Monitor Travel During "Stay Home" Order?

Now that San Antonio is under a "Stay Home-Work Safe" order, some are wondering how the city monitors "essential" travel. The city says police officers will not be pulling people over to check on whether they are traveling somewhere for "essential" business.

Under the Bexar County order, violators could face penalties of up to $1,000 and six months in jail, but the city order does not call for any penalties or fines. Police say they will not be pulling cars over checking to see if the driver is headed somewhere for "essential" business, but the city is expecting everyone to follow the order and do their part to slow the spread of coronavirus.

"San Antonio Police are not going to pull you over if you are outside of your home, and you do not need a permission slip to prove you work for a business that is allowed to remain open," said Jeff Coyle, Director of Government and Public Affairs. "We expect the public to follow the Stay Home order, and our enforcement efforts will focus on the businesses that should be closed, and that those businesses that are open are following proper social distancing measures."

Photo: 1200 WOAI

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