Tim Duncan Raising Money For Virgin Islands Hurricane Relief

Tim Duncan was raised in the US Virgin Islands in St. Croix and lived through Hurricane Hugo at age 13 so he knows the devastation a hurricane can cause from personal experience.

Hurricane Irma ripped through the Virgin Islands and Tim is wasting no time in stepping up in a big way.

Duncan has pledged a donation of $250,000 and announced he will match future donations up to One million dollars. To donate to Tim's  21 US Virgin Island Relief Fund go here.

Duncan's Statement

I will match your financial donations up to the first $1 million. I’ve just started things off with my initial $250,000 contribution.

And if you’re interested in contributing material goods, we have a plane leaving from San Antonio to St. Croix next week that will be carrying all of the supplies and donated items that we receive. Please contact us as soon as possible with what you will be donating so we can make sure we have it on our flight out to the islands.


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