Wonder Woman to Join Six Flags Superhero-Themed Coasters

Six Flags Fiesta Texas says Wonder Woman will be joining her male superhero counterparts at the northwest side theme park, with the Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Coaster opening at the park in the spring, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

Park President Jeffrey Siebert says Six Flags continues to lead the industry in introducing innovative coasters, and Wonder Woman will include thrills not found on any other ride.

"A breathtaking first of its kind feature for Fiesta Texas, a monumental drop straight down ninety degrees," he said.

Siebert says another first of its kind feature of Wonder Woman that will thrill riders is, rather than the traditional 'train style' double rails that roller coasters use, Wonder Woman will have a single rail just 13 1/2 inches across.  He called it 'like riding on a ruler' and it will help provide the illusion of flying.

It will also include two 'airtime,' hills, a 180 degree stall, a zero-g roll and overbanked turns.  It will also tell the story of Wonder Woman and her supernatural powers.

The coaster will be built on the site of the old Power Surge ride near Rockville High School.  Plans are for Wonder Woman to be in operation when the park opens in the Spring of 2018.S

ix Flags Fiesta Texas has led the amusement park world in innovative traditional rides, as well as adding augmented virtual reality to its coasters and other attractions.

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