Today's 'Big Give' Hopes to Raise Funds for 650 Local Non Profits

Today marks 'The Big Give,' a San Antonio day for non profits of all stripes to solicit donations, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.

Scott McAninch, who heads the San Antonio Non Profit Council, says problems with the computer interface that caused problems for donors last year have been resolved.

"The non profits are excited about it, there are a lot of new features, and it is very user friendly on the donor side as well," he said.

Robin Harder of the Women Veterans of San Antonio, says the Big Give has been a major boost to her non profit.

"Just to get out name out there for one, and hopefully to raise a little bit of money."

McAninch says the are hundreds of non profits raising money this year.

"This year we have 650 non profits back with us," he said.  "Our goal is $6 million this year."

He says the non profits involved in the Big Give cover the gamut from children's groups to organizations fighting various diseases, to groups fighting for everything from HIV patients to low income housing.

"This year we are going to have fun," he said.  "We want the non profits to have fun, and go out and raise money."

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