Tax-Free "Preparedness Holiday" Runs from Saturday-Monday

By Morgan Montalvo


The State of Texas is making its easier for people to prepare for the worst at a savings.

2017's   Texas Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday is sponsored by  the State Comptroller's Office and runs from Saturday through Monday.

Frank  Dickey, an instructor with FEMA's Community Emergency Response Teams,  also known as CERT, recommends at a minimum keeping on hand multiple  light-emitting diode, or LED, flashlights with the right size batteries -  both rechargeable and regular types.

"Now, with  LEDs being very much perfected, the quality of light is good and the  price is actually now where everyone can really afford them," says  Dickey, who conducts CERT classes across South Texas.

"The saying that we have," Dickey says," is 'one is none, and two is one.' "

He says a  portable weather radio is another essential, as are a home fire  extinguisher, a well-stocked first aid kit, and tarps and plastic  sheeting, the latter indispensable when roofs and windows are damaged by  storms, high winds or a tornado.

Details on the Texas 2017 Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday and and a list of qualifying items can be found at:Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday. Information on general emergency preparedness is available at: .




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